Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The master [buttory] RACE-- ssssT!


Do we really need to call these "White supremacists". Insecure incel pencil dicks is what I see.

They want to preserve "the white race", whatever the fuck THAT is?! If you boys are examples, LET IT GO EXTINCT!!!

I see cave "men": neanderthals...nothing PURE ABOUT THAT. Check their DNA. You know who are 100% Homo sapiens? BLACK AFRICANS (full blooded-- NOT CONTAMINATED by #cockasoidRAPISTS ).

I say, honky boys, that the best thing to do with your "race" & "culture" is #drownitintheBATHTUB 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sorry Roseanne, but you're delusional and support a fascist dictator.

Roseanne Barr is batshit crazy. I refuse to watch her goddamn show. I wouldn't ordinarily hold a person's beliefs against their "art", but what she's doing is NO different from supporting Hitler or HIrohito or Mussolini in the 1930s. She's a collaborator, spreading bullshit about trump "liberating children" from "sex-rings". You know, like the pizza parlor where Hillary ran a meat market--and where a true-believer walked in the door carrying an Assault Rifle! What Faux is doing is NOT covered by the 1st Amendment: they are saying shit they KNOW is a lie and misleading gullible rubes who think their "news" yakkers are the same caliber as Walter Cronkite. Trump saving children!?! Trump has said numerous times that he wants to fuck his own daughter!. Trump's and Session's persecution of undocumented workers has made it open season to rape "illegal" women and girls-- and they know it and that's what they want. Republican goons are procurers for their kindred perverts. Turds made of leather plop together.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

To what lengths will women go to appease their sexual abusers?!

Yes, ladies. High heels make you walk like a cat. Sexy? If you think deformed feet are a nice thing. Women who constantly wear them become crippled, and can't comfortably walk in flats. All for men?

And boob-jobs, where there is a 25% chance that the nerves to your nipples will be severed, and they'll never be able to respond to a nursing baby, or a lover's touch. Seriously?!

And shaving your privates? WTF! I LOVE a big hairy bush. "Men" suffering from arrested development want you to look like a little girl. That is SICK! They're hoping if you're innocent you won't realize how lousy they are in bed!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Repug tax-cuts to fund more 450 million dollar auctions of fake da Vincis.

This painting, which may-- or may NOT, be by Leonardo da Vinci, just sold for 450.3 million $$$$$$$. The "expert" who declared it "genuine", after extensive "restoration" (i.e.: repainting) was guaranteed a percentage of the selling price.

The sucker who paid this money is part of the 1% whom the repugs are about to give another huge tax cut to. Right, these are the "job-creators": idiots like trump who actually destroy jobs. The only "jobs created" here were the hiring of a couple of rent-a-cops for the auction.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

NFL players also sacrifice their lives-- for rich white guys!

I'm listening to the trumpites regurgitate his BS about "disrespecting our troops". This has NOTHING to do with them. It has to do with one line in the "Star-spangled Banner": "the land of the free". When blacks are being executed--on the streets-- by police-- and there are NO CONSEQUENCES that line is empty and meaningless. The knee is the sign of respect, with a silent protest, in the way of MLK

The trumpites talk about "These guys who make $11 million bucks a year or whatever.." --that is a racist dog whistle: "these n------rs". that's just a fact! These kids represent the cream of the crop of millions of young black men for whom professional sports is the only path out of the ghetto (besides being a drug dealer). Most high school and college athletes will never make the pros. They might have a year or two before they are broken by the brutality of the game. They will likely have dementia by the time they're 35 from all the concussions. They are making a fortune for the WHITE team owners. These kids deserve every penny they make, and they are making a HUGE sacrifice for it.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

White Republican ghoulish males left their own pre-existing condition OFF the list!

Guess what is NOT in the long list of "pre-conditions" that are excluded from coverage: ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION!!! I guarantee every one of these smug, self-serving white assholes take Viagra or Cialis!

Friday, February 17, 2017

More dumbold double-speak: "Tar Sands sludge is not the threat to the Missouri; it's the protestors' poop."!

In the never-ending barrage of alternative reality emanating from the cluster-fuck in the whitehouse, the Corps of Engineers decided that it no longer needed to do an environmental impact statement on the Dakota Access Pipeline.  This shouldn't be surprising; those guys are pretty spineless, and were easily cowed by the supreme toddler.

This 42 inch diameter pipeline is designed to carry tar sands sludge, which is the most environmentally destructive oil there is!  It is so thick and goopy that it sinks in water!  A 2010 spill on the Kalamazoo River released a million gallons of this goo, and has left a permanent layer of death on the river bottom.

Now the sleaze brigade has declared THE PROTESTORS to be a threat to the river!!!  Yep, they're afraid that pee or poop might destroy the Missouri!  And, if the tents were to wash into the river, they might pose "a hazard to navigation"!

There is a video black-out on this story, so look for another Wounded Knee Massacre to go unreported.